Astro Shraddha Sharma

Cancer Yearly Horoscope 2024

For Cancer, rising sun and moon, you are going to enter a massive year. Watery Cancer will grow this year as the transits are in forward motion. For you, this will be the year of transformation, as Pluto will change signs and enter Aquarius. Pluto is known as the planet of transformation, regeneration, power, and intensity. It is considered one of the outer planets and is often associated with deep, profound changes in an individual’s life. This planet will be in the eighth house for the next twenty years, and when it kicks off its Aquarius plight, you should be ready for transformations. Jupiter will be in Taurus in the beginning of 2024, but by mid-2024, Jupiter will be coming into your natal first house as it will move to Gemini. This is a great transition, as Jupiter will be moving from the earth sign to the air sign, where he will be free to explore a lot. For you, Taurus rules the eleventh house and Gemini rules the twelfth house. So, during this year, there will be a focus on your profits, hopes, and wishes until mid-2024; after that, you will have to deal with your emotional issues.

Mercury retrograde happens every year and this is a quarterly phenomenon. During this year, Mercury retrogrades will take place in the fire signs. Mercury will be in retrograde in December 2023, but it will turn direct on January 1st, which will be the very first move of January. Mercury retrogrades April 1–25, 2024, in the sign of Aries. Mercury Retrograde August 5-28, 2024, in the signs of Virgo and Leo Mercury retrogrades from November 25 to December 15, 2024, in the sign of Sagittarius. One of the most discussed impacts of Mercury retrograde is its supposed effect on communication. Advocates suggest that during these periods, there’s a higher likelihood of miscommunication, misunderstandings, and conflicts. It’s often advised to be cautious when signing contracts, starting new projects, or making important decisions during this time.

Technology is another area thought to be affected by Mercury retrograde. Users report an increase in electronic malfunctions, software glitches, and communication breakdowns. While some attribute these issues to mere coincidence, others believe that the planetary alignment during retrograde disrupts harmony in the technological realm.

In addition to communication and technology, travel plans are often said to be more susceptible to disruptions during Mercury retrograde. Flight delays, car breakdowns, and other transportation hiccups are commonly associated with this period. For you, the fire signs rule your financial matters, so during the retrograde phase, you need to be careful with your financial matters. Kindly avoid all fresh decisions during that time.

The outer planets are very active; among them is the revolutionary planet Uranus, which will be in Taurus, which rules your eleventh house of hopes, wishes, and gains. Jupiter will conjunct this planet until May; after that, it will single-handedly deal with your team settings, long-term plans, profits, and finances. During this year, you will get many ideas about finance management. Jupiter and Uranus will push you to make some revolutionary financial decisions. However, when Jupiter is with Uranus, Jupiter will control the risk-taking nature of Uranus, but the challenges will start when Jupiter moves out to your natal twelfth house. This transit encourages individuals to delve deep into their inner world, exploring hidden desires, fears, and unresolved issues. Jupiter’s influence in the 12th house can lead to a heightened sense of intuition and a greater understanding of the spiritual dimensions of life. It prompts a quest for meaning and a search for higher knowledge.

On a psychological level, this transit may bring about a desire for solitude and reflection. People may find solace in activities that connect them to their inner selves, such as meditation, dream analysis, or exploring the subconscious through creative outlets. The 12th house is also associated with compassion and empathy, and Jupiter’s transit can inspire individuals to engage in acts of selfless service or charitable endeavors.

However, there can be challenges during this transit, as the 12th house is also linked to limitations and hidden enemies. Jupiter’s expansive energy may make individuals more susceptible to overindulgence or escapism. It’s crucial to strike a balance between exploring the depths of the psyche and maintaining a healthy connection to the external world.

Like every year, eclipses will be occurring this year as well. Every eclipse has an impact lasting six months. The penumbral lunar eclipse was on March 25, 3:00:05 at 5 Libra 07. The total solar eclipse will be on April 8 at 14:20:37 in Aries 24. Meanwhile, the partial lunar eclipse on September 17, 22:34:13 at 25 Pisces 41, and the annular solar eclipse on October 2, 14:49:02 at 10 Libra 04

These eclipses will have too much impact on Libra. For Cancer, Libra rules the fourth house of home and family. During the first eclipse, your home and family will be the focal points. This will be a lunar eclipse, indicating endings at home. It will be like finalizing a real estate deal or solving problems at home. The annual solar eclipse will also happen in Libra, so your family matters will have a lot of importance in 2024.

Impact of the eclipses

Like every year, eclipses will be an integral part of this year too. The penumbral lunar eclipse will occur on March 25 at 3:00:05 at 5 Libra 07. The total solar eclipse will occur on April 8 at 14:20:37 in Aries 24. The partial lunar eclipse will rise on September 17 at 22:34:13 at 25 Pisces 41. Finally, the annular solar eclipse will occur by October 2, 14:49:02 at 10 Libra 04. The impact of the eclipses will last for six months, so the lunar and solar eclipses will be on throughout the year. This celestial event suggests a profound impact on familial dynamics, potentially unveiling hidden truths or triggering transformative changes within the household. The lunar eclipse, known for its introspective energy, prompts individuals to reassess their roots and emotional foundations. Family matters and ancestral ties come under scrutiny, fostering a period of self-discovery and emotional rebirth.

Navigating these lunar energies in the fourth house requires a delicate balance between introspection and fostering a harmonious domestic environment throughout the year. The last lunar eclipse will occur in your ninth house of spirituality. The lunar eclipse in the ninth house triggers a quest for higher knowledge and philosophical understanding, prompting a reassessment of one’s personal truths. Adventures, both physical and intellectual, may beckon, leading to transformative experiences that shape the year ahead. Embracing this cosmic energy in the ninth house involves a willingness to explore new perspectives, embrace diverse cultures, and embark on a quest for wisdom. The solar eclipses will occur in the tenth house of career and the last solar eclipse will trigger your fourth house of home, so there will be long lasting impact on your home and career. Of course, the solar eclipse indicates beginnings, so there will be new events in both sectors.

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